Thinking of reviewing your Will?

We are sure that our CPRE Gloucestershire supporters are likely to have a Will, but how up to date is it? Might it
need a refresh? Find out more about our FREE Will revision offer, exclusively for CPRE Gloucestershire supporters.
About the offer
Two leading Gloucestershire legal firms have kindly pledged to meet with CPRE Gloucestershire supporters to discuss Will reviewing or revising for a free half an hour session!
When you meet with the solicitor, you can have your will reviewed to see whether it needs revising in the light of any changed circumstances.
Any next step will be at your own expense, but this half an hour discussion is completely free.
How it works
To take up the offer, please contact CPRE Gloucestershire on
We will ask you to chose a solicitor who we will contact and advise that you have taken up this exclusive offer. All you need to do then, is get in touch with your chosen solicitor, bringing along your existing Will and completed questionnaire to your free Will revision appointment.
Supporting legal firms
CPRE Gloucestershire thank the following participating legal firms for their generous support:
Tamsin Leeper of Leeper Prosser (Stonehouse)
Elizabeth Stilwell of Sewell Mullings Logie (Cirencester)
As keen supporters of ours, the participating solicitors ask that you make a modest contribution to our charity in exchange for them donating their time to you.
Please do not contact the legal firms directly – see info above on how to take up this offer.

Support us
CPRE Gloucestershire are a thriving and energetic part of the wider CPRE network. We have our own charitable status meaning that our sole focus is on Gloucestershire.
We are a campaigning organisation and work to achieve a sustainable countryside with prosperous communities and rural economies; playing a crucial role in responding to the climate emergency.
Gloucestershire’s rural landscape is diverse. We champion local distinctiveness, as reflected in our nationally designated, protected landscapes.
A gift in your Will helps us continue the important work of CPRE Gloucestershire and would be much appreciated.
But this of course is not a condition of taking part in this Will revision scheme.